A step-by-step method teaching flamenco dancers how to improvise the easy way and dance 'in the middle'
..without feeling terrified, not hearing the cues in the music or not knowing the parts of the dance!
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Here's what you'll get when you enrol today:
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS - Save $43 off the full price of the course
  • BONUS - The Bulerías Breakdown Video Series
  • BONUS - 'Are You Following Me' Inspiration List
  • BONUS - 'No Excuses Not To Practice' Playlist
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The Insider Secrets To Improvising Bulerías Por Fiesta
Get My Step By Step Framework to Improvising The Easy Way
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Are you a Bulerías-beginner, feeling too scared to go out and improvise?
What if, instead of not 'getting it', you could actually hear the cues AND know the parts of the dance so well, you could improvise like someone born into a flamenco dynasty?
Feeling pre-performance nerves is one thing.
Having to go out on stage when you don't know what steps go where, or how to hear the cues in the music - that's just terrifying.
You want to join in and dance Bulerías, only you never do.
The absolute fear is always there 😰😨 
- about when to come in
- how to stay on compás
- the very fast pace
- when to exit
It's enough to make you want to faint if someone were to insist you dance!
✋🏼 Hands up if this sounds like you when it comes to improvising Bulerías Por Fiesta
  • I've taken classes before but I'm still not getting any better
  • I can't hear the cues for remates in time to do something
  • I just don't know it well enough to improv
  • When I dance in front of people I just go blank
  • I'm still not confident with it
  • I'm still searching for that light bulb moment
What if I told you ... you're not alone!!
That you're not the only one suffering as a 'Bulerías-beginner'..
What if I told you ... there is a way to 'get it' - that unlocks the secret to:
  • always know where you are in the letra
  • never miss the cues in the music
  • pull out a remate at just the right time
  • know it well enough to improvise
Hi, I'm Belinda!
I started dancing flamenco at the age of 10, and I've been helping dancers learn flamenco online for three years now. It's what I love to do.
Over my (long..) flamenco career, I've studied with many different professional artists and dance studios. 
The only thing is, my flamenco lessons were mostly focused on learning set choreographies. To set music.
Then when it came time to go out 'in the middle' for Bulerías Por Fiesta it was TERRIFYING. Like I had no experience dancing flamenco what so ever! How could this be? Why was I finding it SO HARD? Why couldn't I GET IT??
There must be something wrong with me.
Yes, the inner critic can be harsh sometimes 😩
Not that long ago, I knew nothing about improvising for Bulerías Por Fiesta.
  • I didn't know how to tell a remate from a marcaje
  • I didn't know the first thing about structure
  • The singing all sounded the same ... beginning, middle, end, I had no idea.
It was ALL a total guess.
Even going to weekly Bulerías classes wasn't helping.
I was more focused on looking like I 'got it' when really I didn't.
Trying to 'get it all' in one hour, just wasn't working. (Even after a year 😐)
That's when I realised,
I needed to make this easier for myself!
So, I decided to focus on just one thing at a time.
One compás at a time.
And it worked!
🔓 I'd Unlocked the Secret to this Por Fiesta thing
The best bit?
I've packaged the entire process into a step-by-step method.
And now I'm sharing it with you 💖
A step-by-step method teaching flamenco dancers how to improvise the easy way and dance 'in the middle'
..without feeling terrified, not hearing the cues or not knowing the parts of the dance!
Become A Bulerías Boss is the only Por Fiesta course that knows it's practically impossible to 'get' everything about improv in one short hour.
That's why we're doing things differently. One compás at a time. We're making it do-able.
But don't worry, it's not going to take a year either! (more like a few weeks..)
All taught to you in English, by a dancer who's been where you are, so she knows exactly how to take you from 'not getting' it to 'getting' it.
So, How Does This Actually Work?
Become A Bulerías Boss is a step-by-step method to teach flamenco dancers how to improvise the easy way and dance 'in the middle'
- without feeling terrified, not hearing the cues or not knowing the parts of the dance.
Discover how a 'typical' Bulerías letra is structured so you'll know the one most common way the singer will sing it to you
Discover the one common basic structure for dancing Bulerías Por Fiesta, so you'll know how to improvise no matter how the letra is sung
Discover where in the letra the caída falls and train your ears so you'll never miss the cues in the music again
Look at different ways of dancing to the letra so you'll know how to vary the steps to suit the letra when you're improvising
Use a simple 6-step process to train your ears and body to respond to the cante so you can be in tune with any variations to the letra
Discover how a 'typical' Bulerías letra is structured so you'll know the one most common way the singer will sing it to you
Discover the one common basic structure for dancing Bulerías Por Fiesta, so you'll know how to improvise no matter how the letra is sung
Discover where in the letra the caída falls and train your ears so you'll never miss the cues in the music again
Look at different ways of dancing to the letra so you'll know how to vary the steps to suit the letra when you're improvising
Use a simple 6-step process to train your ears and body to respond to the cante so you can be in tune with any variations to the letra
Let's Take A Closer Look..
Learning the Lingo; and
Getting to know the Letra
  • Short intro to the 'Spanish' words you'll be hearing
  • Discover how a 'typical' Bulerías letra is structured so that you'll know the one most common way the singer will sing it to you
  • Listen and view a few typical Bulerías letras so that you can see, and hear, the one most common way in action
The Salida and Marcaje; and
The Respiro and Remate
  • Practice how to enter with the cante so that you can make your salida with confidence
  • Discover what steps you can use with the respiro, how and when, so that you have options when improvising
  • Practice how to stay and listen to the cante, using marcaje, so that you can tune into the cante and hear the cues
Paso de Bulerías; and
Preparation for the Llamada
  • Discover the classic Bulerías step and how it fits within the structure so that you can use it in your improv
  • Move into preparation for llamada so that you will know how to use this step to coincide with the caída on purpose
  • Watch other dancers performing Bulerías Por Fiesta so you can learn to recognise and identify the movements and structure even when it's not your turn
The Llamada; Preparation for Final; and
Recognising the Caída
  • Discover what the classic llamada call is so you know how to recognise it by where in the compás it is emphasised
  • Communicate to the singer that you are finished dancing and ready to leave the stage so you can begin your final
  • Train your ears to the nuances of Bulerías so you can start to recognise the caída intuitively and effortlessly
The Coletilla
  • Discover how the coletilla is different from the main letra so you can tell it apart
  • Listen to a few different letras so you can train your ear to the way the coletilla sounds different to the main letra
  • Analyse a couple of live Fin de Fiesta performances so you can see how other dancers use the coletilla and dance the final!
The Final
  • Practice a few different 'moving marcaje' type steps to use in your final so you can travel back to the spot from where you started
  • Use a classic remate, recoge or other typical movement so you can finish the final with a flourish!
  • Piece together the whole structure so you can practice and perform the whole patada - from salida to final!
Variations to the Baile
  • Look at different ways of dancing to the letra
  • Get a feel for how the steps can be improvised and varied within the structure
  • Find out what's considered 'correct' and what's considered 'not correct' when it comes to making up your own moves
Variations to the Cante
  • Look at different ways the letra might be sung
  • Get a feel for how the cantaor/a might make it fancy with the vocals
  • Use a simple 6-step process to both train your ear and your body to respond to the cante so you can confidently improvise 'in the middle'
Plus! You'll Get:
EVERY SINGLE template, tool and resource that you'll need to end the confusion and frustration, and finally 'get' this Por Fiesta thing..
This includes:
  • PDF lesson notes
  • video dance lessons
  • video theory lessons
  • copies of all the music
  • a video breakdown of each letra
  • lifetime access to the online portal
  • 12 months access to your Private Chat page with me
  • plus links to all original sources of music, letras, lyrics and Bulerías videos that have been referenced in this course ... EVERYTHING!
  • Become A Bulerías Boss Course: 8 Module eCourse - The same signature step-by-step method I used to go from no clue and struggling to 'get it', to teaching myself how to improvise. Which means I know first hand how to take you from not 'getting it' 😐 to 'getting it' 🙂
  • ALL the tools and resources you need to perform your pataíta: Includes video lessons, lesson notes, all the music, breakdown of each letra, PLUS links to all the original sources of music, letras, lyrics and Bulerías videos referenced in the course ... EVERYTHING you need to succeed at improvising!
  • Cheatsheets: Get the scoop on ALL of the Spanish words you'll need to know, plus notes on counting for the Bulerías de Jerez style, and find out exactly 'What is the structure for Bulerías Por Fiesta'!
  • PRIVATE Chat Page: Twelve months of access to your own private chat box. You'll have direct contact with me to ask anything Bulerías Por Fiesta related from the course material.
  •  BONUS  The Bulerías Breakdown Video Series: Watch and learn how other dancers improvise Bulerías Por Fiesta and get to know the parts of the dance.
  •  BONUS  'Are You Following Me?' Inspiration List: A list of my top recommendations of who to follow on Social Media for the latest and best Bulerías content online (other than mine of course 😉)
  •  BONUS  The 'No Excuses Not To Practice' Playlist: One of the keys to improvising with confidence is to practice your signature moves many times over, so they're second nature. For that, you'll need a big long playlist of Bulerías music to practice to! This is it.
Doors are open RIGHT NOW! Start as soon as you sign up!
Choose your option below:
USD $497
Save $43
USD $90
 What other dancers are saying about my coaching:
Want to know if Become A Bulerías Boss is the right course for you?
 This course is perfect for you if:
  • you want to know more about the structure of Bulerías Por Fiesta 
  • you want to know more about the structure of a Bulerías letra
  • you've taken classes before but still find it confusing
  • you want to know how to hear the cues in the music
 This course isn't right for you if:
  • you're not willing to watch any Bulerías Por Fiesta or listen to Bulerías music
  • you have no desire to understand the structure of a flamenco dance
  • you don't mind missing the cues in the music
  • you don't want to study the cante
Got questions? I got answers..
I've also taken Bulerías classes before that haven't worked for me.
I realised there was a mismatch - the class was being taught from a level of knowledge that I didn't yet have!
I've been exactly where you are now, which makes me the perfect teacher to take you from where you are now, to where you want to be - pulling off the perfect pataíta!
This will vary depending on your personal circumstances and level of flamenco knowledge..
However I have designed the course so it may be completed within 8 - 12 weeks.
Each module will require around 1 - 3 hours of your time per week. (A bit like taking a couple of dance classes a week..)
The course is entirely self-paced. So you can take it all in immediately and fast track your way to the Fin de Fiesta floor! Or space it out and soak it up over time if that works better for you 🏖️
And.. you have lifetime access
I get it! Our time and money is super precious, and we want to spend it with intention and purpose.
Learning how to improvise is a skill that you can use in every palo - making you a better dancer all round.
The training you'll receive in this course will help you improve tenfold in every flamenco class you attend going forward - understanding how a letra works and how a flamenco dance is structured is fundamental to true flamenco dancing!
If you haven't mastered these concepts yet, now is the time!
This is a self paced course which means you don't have to wait until class next week to move forward.
If you want to fast track your improv skills this is the BEST way to do it!
And if making mistakes in front of everyone in class makes you cringe.. you won't have that worry with an online course – since you're the only one in the room.
You can make as many mistakes as you want! 🤸‍♀️
And rewind the tape as much as you like! You can't do that in class! 😉 
I hear you! It may seem that way, however let's look at the options we currently have when it comes to learning how to improvise..
In person classes 
✏ If you've tried this option and you're here on this page, I'm guessing it hasn't worked out for you
💲 Quick maths - 45 classes per year x $20 per class = $900 per year
Online classes
✏ Most are taught by Spanish speaking instructors from Spain.. unless you speak Spanish this one isn't really an option
✏ These classes usually assume you know how a letra works, what the structure is, you can hear the caída
✏ Classes aren't always recorded for you to revise
💲 Quick maths - 12 workshops per year x $60 per workshop = $720 per year

Live classes in Spain
✏ This is always an option but you may be limited as to how long you can spend time in Spain studying Bulerías
✏ Classes will most likely be in Spanish, not English
💲 Quick maths - flights, accommodation, meals, classes = upwards of $3,000

1:1 classes with me!
✏ Technically, this option is not currently on offer..
✏ But if it were, it would take around 24 to 36 hours, depending on your level, for me to teach you privately all the information that's packed in the course
💲 Quick maths - private class with me $70 per hour x 24-36 hours = $1,680 to $2,520
Become A Bulerías Boss is designed for you to learn EVERY element of Por Fiesta that you'll need to improvise a pataíta..
By the end of this course you'll know:
  • What a common letra looks like and how to recognise the sung lines in any Bulerías letra so you're never lost in the letra ever again
  • Where to expect the caída, how to recognise it and how to teach your body to respond to the caída so you can be in tune with the cante
  • How and when to use a remate so you can be super cool when it's your turn to improv!
  • What steps make up the basic structure, and how you can vary these steps so you can improv with confidence
  • The different ways the cantaor/a may mix up the letra so you'll know what to expect if the singer gets a little fancy while you're on stage 😊
It's time to go out 'in the middle', join in the fun at Fin de Fiesta, and improvise with your pataíta!!
and receive these BONUSES!
Save $53 off the full price of the course
 BONUS - The Bulerías Breakdown Video Series
Watch and learn how other dancers improvise Por Fiesta...

If you can 'see' what steps other dancers are doing, when where and why, that means you're starting to 'get it'!!
 BONUS - 'Are You Following Me' Inspiration List
I don't know 'bout you but I always like finding new people to follow!
I've put together for you my top recommendations of who to follow - on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook
 BONUS - 'No Excuses Not To Practice' Playlist
One of the keys to improvising with confidence is to practice your moves and lock them into muscle memory, so they're ready to pull out on stage without thinking.
For that, you'll need a big long playlist of Bulerías music like this one to practice to!
Isn't it time you had fun on the Fin de Fiesta floor!
USD $497
Save $43
USD $90
Plus these bonuses!!
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS - Save $43 off the full price of the course
  • BONUS - The Bulerías Breakdown Video Series
  • BONUS - 'Are You Following Me' Inspiration List
  • BONUS - 'No Excuses Not To Practice' Playlist
Oh, hey! I love that you're still here 😊
Making decisions sometimes takes a little while!
If you're not sure and want to chat it over? Send me a DM over on Instagram @theflamencocoach - and I'll answer all your questions ❤
What I do know is, I wish I had support like this when I was struggling to learn how to improvise! So if you've been struggling to 'get it' (months or years!), let me show you the easy way - your future self will thank you.
OK, I'm ready, sign me up!
Belinda x
(c) 2023 The Flamenco Coach
50% Complete
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Learn The Insider Secrets To Improvising Bulerías Por Fiesta