When we're first learning to listen to the cante, it can all sound the same! I certainly could never tell where we were in the letra.
I couldn't tell if we were in the middle or the end, or was it the next letra... And I certainly couldn't pick out any cues, or even tell you where they might be!
Taking the time to study a few letras, learn about them and see what a letra looks like written down, for me was SUPER helpful! It helped me to make more sense of what I was listening to.
🔑 A Bulerías letra consists of two sung lines
🔑 The first sung line is a short line (usually sung over one compás)
🔑 The second sung line is longer (usually sung over two compáses)
🔑 These two sung lines are usually written as three lines
Here is an example of a Bulerías letra written as three lines:
Un pañuelo de lunares
Cada vez que te lo pones
te salen los novios a pares
🔑 The end of the first sung line usually rhymes with the end of the second sung line
In the example letra, you'll see 'lunares' rhymes with 'a pares'.
🔑 A typical structure for singing a letra for Bulerías Por Fiesta can look like this:
First sung line (one compás)
Respiro, no singing (one compás)
Repeat of first sung line (one compás)
Second sung line (two compáses)
Repeat of second sung line (two compáses)
This is what the typical structure would like using the example letra:
Un pañuelo de lunares
Respiro (no singing)
Un pañuelo de lunares
Cada vez que te lo pones
te salen los novios a pares
Cada vez que te lo pones
te salen los novios a pares
This isn't the only structure, but it is a common one – so it's a good one to learn!
📓 (NOTE: This information relates to the Bulerías de Jerez style.)
I hope you liked this explanation of what a Bulerías letra looks like and that it also helps you make more sense of the cante!
Until next time, happy dancing 💃🏼
I share my step-by-step framework teaching flamenco dancers how to pull off the perfect pataíta and dance 'in the middle' (aka improvise!) without feeling terrified, not hearing the cues or knowing the parts of the dance!
You can find out more about Belinda at http://www.theflamencocoach.com/about