IMPROVISE a simple Bulerías Por Fiesta with these 5 essential steps - FREE Guide
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Looking for the caída? (Part 2)

Looking for the caída.. Part 2
As I like to say, practice makes better, so here we have Part 2 in the series!

Why stop at one when you're having fun 😀

We're going to listen to María Vargas singing another letra from the same performance.

In this letra, María only sings the second sung line once, so this time there's only one caída (at the end of the second sung line).

To give you a heads up before watching the video, this is the structure for the letra:
- First sung line
- Respiro (2 compáses!)
- Repeat of first sung line
- Second sung line

This structure is slightly different to the 'typical' structure in that:
1) the respiro last two compáses, rather than just one; and
2) there is NO repeat of the second sung line.

The letra..
If you want to follow along with the cante, here are the lyrics for the letra:
Ay yo tengo un reloj marcado
Ay yo tengo un reloj marcado
En los huesos de mi cuerpo
 del tormento que me has dado
Your turn!

👓 Watch the short clip below [23 sec] and get ready to read the prompts, train your ear and listen out for the caída!

Did you notice?

Did you notice, there is a bit of finger pointing happening during the second sung line (expressing the emotion behind the lyrics), and as in Part 1, María again points back and forth with her hand, in the 6 counts right before the caída.

This is a typical tell tale sign, which a lot of singers use, right before singing the caída.

This is one way to help get yourself familiar with the nuances of Bulerías - by studying the body language of the singers, guitarists and palmeros, to see how they express themselves physically while singing, or playing.

Here's a link to the whole video on FaceBook by Lo Ferro Flamenco:
María Vargas al toque de Antonio Carrión por bulerías

Look out for Part 3, coming soon!

Until next time, happy dancing 💃🏻
Belinda x
PS If you want more reveals 🕵🏻‍♀️ for discovering how to improvise for Bulerías Por Fiesta, sign up below to watch my Free Masterclass 🎬

I share my step-by-step framework teaching flamenco dancers how to pull off the perfect pataíta and dance 'in the middle' (aka improvise!) without feeling terrified, not hearing the cues or knowing the parts of the dance!

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Author: Belinda Retamal
Belinda has been dancing flamenco since the age of 10 and is passionate about helping other aspiring dancers learn flamenco without spending years to master the basic skills.

You can find out more about Belinda at

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– so you can join in the fun on the Fin de Fiesta floor!
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Want to know how to improvise Bulerías Por Fiesta without feeling terrified, not hearing the cues or not knowing the parts of the dance!

Steal my step-by-step framework which shows you how to 'get' this improv thing
(even if you can't tell the beginning of the letra from the end.. just yet)
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(c) 2023 The Flamenco Coach
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The 5 Essential Steps You Need to Dance Bulerías Por Fiesta
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