In my last blog post, we looked at a coletilla, with this letra:
Son los toreros
Los que se ponen
cintas en el pelo
In this blog post, we're going to listen to that same coletilla being sung again, but this time by a different singer!
This way we can compare how two different singers use the same (coletilla) letra.
The video below starts off with the cantaora singing a main letra before moving on to sing the coletilla.
Listen carefully to the tone and melody of the letra, and then compare it to the tone and melody of the coletilla.
The cantaora also sings a second coletilla after the first one, to accompany the dancers off stage during their final.
In this clip, the cantaora sings the first sung line 2 times – 'Son los toreros', and the second sung line 2 times – 'Los que se ponen cintas en el pelo'.
(and then she sings another coletilla straight after..)
Written out the coletilla letra would look like this:
Son toreros, Son los toreros (first sung line x2)
Los que se ponen
cintas en el pelo
Los que se ponen
cintas en el pelo (second sung line x2)
📽 Click on the image below to watch the video [1 min] and listen to the cante 👀 🎧
Can you get a feel for the shorter phrasing in the coletilla than the main letra and the more upbeat melody?
I share my step-by-step framework teaching flamenco dancers how to pull off the perfect pataíta and dance 'in the middle' (aka improvise!) without feeling terrified, not hearing the cues or knowing the parts of the dance!
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