Learn to Dance Flamenco
This short course will teach you a few basic flamenco steps, typical to the Tangos style
We put these steps into a short choreography that you can dance right away
Teach me to dance
Master Class
Catching the Caída
One of the biggest struggles we can face when it comes to improvising is hearing the cues in time to do something...
This Masterclass is designed to put you on the fast track to never missing the cues in the music again!
I Need This!
Mini Course
The Bulerías Bank
Build a bank of signature steps for your Bulerías Patada in less than 7 days - so you know exactly what moves you'll be making BEFORE you go out to improvise
Take me to The Bank
Signature Course
Become a Bulerías Boss
A step-by-step method teaching flamenco dancers - one compás at a time - how to improvise the easy way and dance 'in the middle' ... without feeling terrified, not hearing the cues or not knowing the parts of the dance!
Show me how to be A Boss 👑
Private Coaching
1:1 Zoom sessions
Get private coaching with me to work on the areas of improvisation you need the most help with and to ask me all the questions you have about Bulerías Por Fiesta
Coach Me
(c) 2024 The Flamenco Coach