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Fun with Flamenco and... Fin de Fiesta 💃🥳
This group is dedicated to all things flamenco and improvisation
Maybe it hasn't happened yet, but sooner or later, if you love flamenco there's going to come a time when you're "asked" to improvise
And the BEST time to learn how? when you're a beginner
Not only so you're prepared when the time comes. But also because understanding how the singing works and how the guitarist is playing is fundamental in EVERY flamenco dance you learn
So if you're a flamenco dancer, new or not-so-new, you want to learn how to dance flamenco AND know more about the 'secret' world of how the heck do you improvise - this is the place for you 🌍
Click here to come join the party. Olé!!
Join in, make mistakes, learn something new, share what you know, ask questions about the parts you don't get and if you're willing... show us your moves 💃
Let's learn to dance flamenco and how to improvise together 😎
(c) 2024 The Flamenco Coach